- 演出 -

我的身體屬於我 講述了艾米的故事,她剛剛在學校學習了私處和保護規則。但在現實中,艾米遇到了令人困惑的情況,在這種情況下,她很難知道什麼是對什麼是錯,什麼是允許的,什麼是不允許的。艾米在尋找丟失和心愛的洋娃娃時,在觀眾席中的孩子們的幫助下重建了這些情景。一起——通過歌曲、舞蹈、木偶和樂趣——他們都學會瞭如何保護自己。
該節目面向 k-2 k-3 年級的兒童。
譯者: Keren Lerner-Geron
最大觀眾:最多 70 名參與者。
演出時長: 45分鐘。

My Body Belongs to me- Arabic

無論如何,我們從不去任何地方, 除非我們的父母說沒關係。


The show transfers, in a pleasant, friendly, and non-threatening way, important and sensitive content, and creates a cooperative response from the children.
Betty Ritbo, national instructor in the Sexual Abuse Prevention Unit, the Psychological Guiding Service of the Israeli Ministry of Education.

There's nothing better than to watch this show to understand the enormous influence and wonderful experience that the children have as audience members
Mali Haim, educator. Hertzelia

A one of a kind show! As a social worker and a mom, I have to say that this is a show that has no other like it. In a smart, creative, humorous and sensitive manner, the actress succeeds in sending a clear and unambiguous message. In my daughters kindergarten, one of the dads said that he's sure every abused child who has seen the show, will absolutely report it! Carry on!
Tamar, mother. Tel-Aviv