Written and directed by: Yael Feder
Translated by: Keren Lerner-Geron
Duration of the show: 45 minutes.
This show is designed for children from grades k-2, and is presented in different versions, depending on the age of the children and the nature of the population.
" My Body Belongs to Me" tells a story about Amy, who has just learned in school about private parts and safeguarding rules. But in reality, Amy encounters confusing situations, in which she finds it difficult to know what is right and what is wrong, what is allowed and what is not allowed. As she searches for her lost and beloved doll, Amy reconstructs these situations with the help of the children in the audience. Together – through song, dance, puppets and fun – they all learn how to protect themselves.
The show is performed by one actress. All actors in Yael's Friends are certified therapists.
Max viewers: up to 70 participants.
This show is intended for children from grades k-2 k-3.