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- My Body Belongs to Me | The Book
My Private Parts Belong to Me! - Children's book - Children's book – My Private Parts Belong to Me! This book teaches children how to protect their bodies and their privacy. It clarifies their rights over their own body and explains how to avoid potential harm. The friendly and approachable story addresses this vital yet sensitive subject in a format crafted especially for children in the primary grades. Guy and Tammy come home from school and tell Mom that they learned about the private parts of their body: parts that "belong only to us, and no one else is allowed to touch them." Mom and the kids talk about it, and along the way they learn what private parts are, as well as what kind of touch is permitted and what's not. They also learn about good secrets and bad ones, and whom they can approach for help. Written by : Yael Feder – social worker by training and a professional actress. Feder writes, acts and produces for Yael's Friends Theater, which specializes in educational performances for children. This book is based on the theater's popular main performance. The work was also produced in video and digital downloadable format. Illustrated by : Lee Kurzweil – a children's illustrator who has illustrated the works of Nobel laureate S. Y. Agnon. Professional consultant : Dr. Carmit Katz, the Bob Shapell School of Social Work at Tel Aviv University. Translated by : Jessica Setbon Books Born with Love I've Got a Secret The Safety Book - Strangers and Dangers My Private Parts Belong to Me! To purchase the book - "My Body Belongs To Me" for only 10.99$! Go to our Amazon page The book was published also in Hebrew, by Schocken publication Coloring book This coloring book is inspired by the original book My Private Parts Belong to Me! by Yael Feder. The coloring book contains illustrations and few lines on every page which echo the messages from the original book regarding how children can protect their bodies. Yael Feder is a social worker and a professional actress. She writes, acts, and produces for Yael’s Friends Theater, which specializes in educational performances for children. Lee Kurzweil is a children’s illustrator who has illustrated the works of Nobel laureate S. Y. Agnon. To purchase the coloring book - My Private Parts Belong To ME for only $3.99$! Go to our Amazon page What people say... An every parent’s MUST Keeping your kids safe and aware is a complex mission. This book is an amazing way to both educate them about respecting their own personal space & bodies and others’, How to realize when a line was crossed and raise a red flag! View on Add a comment View this book's reviews on 2019 年 7 月 17 日 2019 年 7 月 17 日 Important Issue, well presented for kids Establishes the terminology for future family communication regarding sensitive topics with your kids. No age is too early for it. 2019 年 7 月 17 日 2019 年 7 月 17 日 Very important book! To my humble opinion each child should read this book! This is fun book that deliver an important massage to the young reader! As a parent it gives you great tools to speak with your child on very delicate matter. 2019 年 7 月 17 日 2019 年 7 月 17 日 How to share with kids a difficult issue with Charm and Grace (and inviting images) This kids book succeeds to address a difficult topic with charm and grace. Guy and Tammi come home from school and share with their mother what they learned about their bodies. They learned about private parts, what is allowed and what is not, what is a bad secret and what is a good secret, and what to do in case someone tries to touch and make you do something that you don't want to do (Say NO loud and clear!!). 2019 年 7 月 17 日 2019 年 7 月 17 日 A must have book for young kids In today's world we are struggling to keep our kids safe and away from all the dangers the world presents to them. Unfortunately Sexual Harassment is a huge challenge, which makes it difficult to explain young kids. This books succeed in its gentle way to help young kids understand right from wrong. It helps them identify red flags and most important to address concerns openly to a responsible adult who can protect them. 2019 年 7 月 17 日 2019 年 7 月 17 日 Great book on a delicate subject I thought this book was great in handling a sensitive topic and also did a great job of educating children. I really like how the author put it in the child's perspective and had them teach the parent - genius! I will definitely be using this book when it's time to teach my children about this topic. Thank you for writing such a helpful book for us to use to educate our children 2019 年 7 月 17 日 2019 年 7 月 17 日 A MUST book in any household This book is a wonderful way to start an important dialogue with your kids about topics such as differentiating right from wrong, what's allowed and what's not, the right to privacy and more, all written in a way which allowes a conversation with the help of lovely drawings. 2019 年 7 月 17 日 2019 年 7 月 17 日 A must in any family with kids I know the Hebrew version of this book for a while and I am so happy that finally, I can recommend it to English speaking friends. I have 3 daughters and this book helped us start a conversation about private parts and later on about consent. As an educator, I find the language and the content to be very clear and very approachable. Totaly recommend 2019 年 7 月 17 日 2019 年 7 月 17 日 Very straightforward. I loved the book's "down to earth" way of talking about such complex personal matters. I'm sure my young grandchildren and their parents will love it! Cute pictures, too 2019 年 7 月 17 日 2019 年 7 月 17 日 Great for children ages 4 and beyond - and their parents! Tackles a sensitive and important topic in a non-threatening way. Highly recommended 2019 年 7 月 17 日 2019 年 7 月 17 日 More >>
- Golden guidelines | My Body Belongs to Me
Golden guidelines It is important to remember that our main goal is to understand if there is a reasonable suspicion for abuse. Keep calm. A hysterical reaction might frighten the child and increase guilt and make them withdrawal.
- Especially for parents | My Body Belongs to Me
Especially for parents The statistics on child sexual abuse cannot leave us indifferent. As parents, we must take action in raising awareness, and give our children the knowledge and tools that will help us protect them from sexual abuse. We gathered essential tools and information on these issues, just for you. Songs The Book The Movie The Show guidelines 12 Golden guidelines 1 <文本> 4 <文本> 7 <文本> 10 <文本> 2 <文本> 5 <文本> 8 <文本> 11 <文本> 3 <文本> 6 <文本> 9 <文本> 12 <文本> 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 1 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 5 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 9 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 2 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 6 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 10 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 3 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 7 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 11 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 4 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 8 行為改變——如果孩子感到悲傷、壓抑、生氣、暴怒。 12 1 Children have a natural and healthy curiosity. It is important that we, as parents, don't avoid our children's questions, even if they make us uncomfortable. If the kids don't get answers for their questions' they will look for them elsewhere. 2 It is a delicate line between teaching our children and frightening them. It is important to speak with our children at eye-level, in their own day-to-day language. There is no need to have a formal discussion with our kids, we don't want to intimidate them. It is best to have an honest open talk during our daily routines. 3 Encourage open communication at home. Avoid any atmosphere of secrecy or hiding, that hides feelings and information. Parents cannot expect their children to tell them if something bad happens to them, if they don't share daily mundane things. Encourage you child to share and tell. 4 Give you children a sense of trust and attention. Children's biggest fear is that no one will believe them if they say something bad happened. Do not treat what they are saying as imaginary. This is the only way children will share with their parents. 5 Encourage your child to trust their feelings. Be attentive to their wills and respect them. 6 Teach your children that they don’t always have to do what adults tell them to. If an adult tells them to do things that harm their privacy (to touch or look at private parts of the body for example), they shouldn’t be afraid to say "NO!" and tell an adult that can help. 7 Our children are our mirror. Children learn, as infants, that only the parents are allowed to touch their private parts, and only if it has to do with cleaning or medical treatment. The child learns through the parents and the close environment about behavioral norms in which the private parts are not exposed. It is important that we, as parents, must insist on keeping our private parts private, thus the our children will learn to respect our privacy and other's as well. 7 recommendations on how to talk with your child: Warning signs for possible abuse: Warning recommendations It is important to remember that our main goal is to understand if there is reasonable suspicion for abuse. Keep calm. The hysterical reaction might frighten the child, increase their sense of guilt, and make them withdraw.
- הנהלת חשבונות | החברים של יעל
הנהלת חשבונות מצורף: אישור ניכוי מס וניהול ספרים צילום צ'ק לדוגמה תעודת עוסק מורשה אפשרויות תשלום: העברה לחשבון בבנק הפועלים - ע"ש יעל פדר - סניף 652 - מספר חשבון 123805 צ'ק לפקודת "יעל פדר" paybox או bit לנייד - 052-3634912 רק בתיאום מראש ובשליחת תמונה של ההעברה. מזומן.
- Children's songs | My Body Belongs to Me
Children's songs - English
- MY BODY BELONGS TO ME | החברים של יעל
MY BODY BELONGS TO ME Written and directed by: Yael Feder Translated by: Keren Lerner-Geron Duration of the show: 45 minutes. This show is designed for children from grades k-2, and is presented in different versions, depending on the age of the children and the nature of the population. " My Body Belongs to Me" tells a story about Amy, who has just learned in school about private parts and safeguarding rules. But in reality, Amy encounters confusing situations, in which she finds it difficult to know what is right and what is wrong, what is allowed and what is not allowed. As she searches for her lost and beloved doll, Amy reconstructs these situations with the help of the children in the audience. Together – through song, dance, puppets and fun – they all learn how to protect themselves. The show is performed by one actress. All actors in Yael's Friends are certified therapists. Max viewers: up to 70 participants. This show is intended for children from grades k-2 k-3.
- MY BODY BELONGS TO ME | החברים של יעל
MY BODY BELONGS TO ME Written and directed by: Yael Feder Translated by: Keren Lerner-Geron Duration of the show: 45 minutes. This show is designed for children from grades k-2, and is presented in different versions, depending on the age of the children and the nature of the population. " My Body Belongs to Me" tells a story about Amy, who has just learned in school about private parts and safeguarding rules. But in reality, Amy encounters confusing situations, in which she finds it difficult to know what is right and what is wrong, what is allowed and what is not allowed. As she searches for her lost and beloved doll, Amy reconstructs these situations with the help of the children in the audience. Together – through song, dance, puppets and fun – they all learn how to protect themselves. The show is performed by one actress. All actors in Yael's Friends are certified therapists. Max viewers: up to 70 participants. This show is intended for children from grades k-2 k-3.
- اسيل تتعلم عن جسمها | החברים של יעל
اسيل تتعلم عن جسمها Written and directed by: Yael Feder Translated by: Hanan Jibli Aabed مسرح الأطفال "أصدقاء ياعيل" مسرح الأطفال "أصدقاء ياعيل" والآن باللغة العربية... "أسيل تتعلم الحفاظ على جسمها" - مسرحية حول التحرش الجنسي بالأطفال (لأطفال الروضةحتى الصف الثاني). أسيل مؤخرًا مرتبكة قليلًا. فهي درست في روضة الأطفال عن أعضاء جسمها الخاصة، وأنه من المحظور لأي شخص أن يلمسها، لكنها واجهت في الواقع مواقف مختلفة يصعب عليها فيها معرفة ما الجيد وما السىء، وما المسموح وما المحظور، وعندما تبحث أسيل عن دميتها المحبوبة التي فقدتها، تسترجع بمساعدة الأطفال نفس المواقف ويتعلمون معًا: -ما هو اللمس المسموح وما هو المحظور؟ -جسمي خاص بي أنا فقط. -متى وكيف نقول لا؟ -ما الفرق بين السر الجيد والسر السىء؟ -من نخبره بالسر السىء؟ كتابة وإخراج: ياعيل فيدر كلمات وألحان: ياعيل فيدر ترجمة إلى العربية: حنان جبيلي عابد المراجعة اللغوية: أمل أبو زيدان ترجمة الأغاني: وسام أبو زهيه إعداد: درور دروري ديكور وعرائس: أدريانا مورينو ينتظر الأطفال تجربة تعليمية ممتعة، مصحوبة بالأغاني، والكثير من المرح، والديكورالملوّن، وتنوع كبير من العرائس والأدوات. تمت كتابة المسرحية بالتعاون مع "رابطة سلامة الطفل" و"قسم منع الاعتداء الجنسي" في وزارة التعليم. المسرحية مصرح بها من سلة الثقافة القطرية ومشروع كريف للمشاركة في التربية. العدد الأقصى للمشاهدين – 70 مشاهد. كتاب: "جسمي خاص بي أنا فقط" بقلم ياعيل فيدر، إصدار "شوقن" جديد جديد !!! فيلم: "أصدقاء ياعيل" يمكن تحميله الآن كملف على الحاسوب الألي. This show is intended for children age 3-8
- | My Body Belongs To Me
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